
NPN Annual Meeting
Saturday 3 March 2012

Responding to feedback from last year, we are organising this year’s meeting to ensure that there is lots of time for you to meet up with other members and find out what issues you have in common.

We are also going to use this meeting to identify what we, as a Network, need to concentrate on this year.

So come along with your ideas and meet others in the Network

10.00 Introduction

  • What happened last year and
    what is coming up in the next 12 months

10.30 Feedback from two groups on their experiences of

  • Pre Application Community Involvement and
  • resident led Neighbourhood Development Plans

11.00 Networking and refreshments 

  • some major topics of interest will be suggested for discussion
    and others collected from participants

12.00 Feedback and discussion of major issues

12.30 Summary of work for 2012

1.00 End


Unitarian Chapel
Brunswick Square

Unitarian Church Brunswick Square BS2 8PE


There is plenty of metered car parking on the Square, and the Chapel is very close to the Cabot Circus and Broadmead shopping areas, which are well served by buses.