Government has published the detailed report of findings from the survey relating to households, building on the headline report published in February 2014.

Key Findings are on pages 8 – 10.

In 2012-13, the private rented sector overtook the social rented sector to become the second largest tenure in England
• There were an estimated 22.0 million households in England. Overall, 65% or 14.3 million were owner occupied, 18% (4.0 million) were privately rented and 17% (3.7 million) were socially rented.
• There has been a decline in the proportion of younger mortgagors (aged less than 35), from 21% in 2008-09 to 18% in 2012-13. In comparison the percentage of private renters aged 25-34 increase from 31% in 2008-09 to 45% in 2012-13.
read more here English Housing Survey 2012/13